‘Reading Landscape’ GSA Research Group, new website

June 17, 2020

The Reading Landscape Research Group was initiated in June 2014 by Susan Brind (Reader in Contemporary Art: Practice & Events, Department of Sculpture & Enviromental Art) and Nicky Bird (Reader in Contemporary Photographic Practice, School of Fine Art).  The research group, based in GSA’s School of Fine Art (SoFA), provides a context for Fine Art practice and other cross disciplinary research interests through a programme of research seminars, and knowledge exchange in addition to practice-led research projects.

We are delighted to launch the new website that brings all of Reading Landscape‘s activities together. www.readingthelandscapesite.com

The Group’s aims are to:

  • Enable the opportunity for critical discourse around the overarching theme of ‘Reading Landscape’ and its relationship to Fine Art;
  • Extend debate beyond the confines of the Group to other Schools within GSA;
  • Participate in critical discourse with practitioners and academics from disciplines beyond Art, Design & Architecture;
  • Engage with discourse nationally and internationally;
  • Nurture possible partnerships and inter-disciplinary collaborations;
  • Make public their research to local, national and international audiences through talks, research visits, exhibitions, seminars, conferences and publications.

You can read about members of the group, and see activities including the exhibition ‘Practicing Landscape: Land, Histories and Transformation‘ that took place at The Lighthouse, Glasgow in early 2020.

The website will continue to grow, as the group continues to meet, plan activities and share research. We also look forward to re-scheduling the symposiumPracticing Landscape: Land, Histories and Transformation‘ later in 2020.

Wanlock Dod Pool 2 of 4

‘Four Pools, Wanlock Dod’ Alan Currall (2019)