Posted on: Aug. 03, 2022Happy Tide Will Flood Again25 June to 9 July 20225 Florence Street, Glasgow, G5 0YX Documentation on Flickr of the exhibition featuring work from 2020 MFA graduates of The Glasgow School of Art, including: new drawing, painting and sculpture from Ragini Chawla; new film and objects by Fionn Duffy; a new total installation by Ayla Dmyterko; new painting work by Sooun Kim; new drawings and
Art Making for Earthly Survival – the workshop results: Documentation
Posted on: May. 12, 2022Art Making for Earthly Survival – the workshop resultsA pop up exhibition following the Close of Play: Art Making for Earthly Survival workshop series28 & 29 April 2022Reid Gallery, The Glasgow School of Art Documentation on Flickr of the exhibition curated by Rachy McEwan featuring work by workshop participants following the Close of Play workshop series curated by Rachy McEwan
Close of Play: Collecting the Climate Emergency Online Event Resources
Posted on: Apr. 15, 2022Resources for event attendees to Close of Play: Collecting the Climate Emergency Online Event
Posted on: Feb. 25, 2022Please download the Gallery map for A Remix of Damage here.
Close of Play: Plant Based Developer and Phytogram Workshop
Posted on: Dec. 10, 2021Dear participant, welcome to this workshop (11.12.21, 10-4pm). Please read instructions on ‘How to make a Phytogram on Photographic Paper and Film’ by downloading from the link below.
GSA Code of Conduct
Posted on: Nov. 23, 2021GSA Code of Conduct for online events.
‘Art of the Possible’ Open Call: GSA staff and students, at Glasgow Art Club
Posted on: Sep. 20, 2021Opportunity Glasgow Art Club – The Glasgow School of Art ‘The Art of the Possible’ a collaborative exhibition coinciding with the COP26 Climate Change Summit Call out: This is an open call to GSA staff and students, who would be interested in submitting work to be exhibited at Glasgow Art Club. This is a collaborative venture involving the Glasgow Art
The building’s history: 5 Florence Street, Glasgow
Posted on: Jun. 04, 2021This venue housing four exhibitions for Glasgow International 2024 (1), is the former Adelphi Terrace Public School, designed by Thomas Lennox Watson (1850-1920), and opened in 1894. It is a Category B listed building, located on the south bank of the Clyde, opposite Glasgow Green. Watson also designed other schools for The School Board of Glasgow, including Garnetbank School on
‘Reading Landscape’ GSA Research Group, new website
Posted on: Jun. 17, 2020The Reading Landscape Research Group was initiated in June 2014 by Susan Brind (Reader in Contemporary Art: Practice & Events, Department of Sculpture & Enviromental Art) and Nicky Bird (Reader in Contemporary Photographic Practice, School of Fine Art). The research group, based in GSA’s School of Fine Art (SoFA), provides a context for Fine Art practice and other cross disciplinary
‘Refuge Garnethill’ new website
Posted on: May. 27, 2020‘Refuge Garnethill’ was an exhibition that took place in Garnethill, Glasgow, Scotland, in 2019. It explored themes of heritage, culture and home through photographs taken by students from St Aloysius Church’s ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) classes. We are now delighted to launch the website which presents the ESOL students’ photographs with their writing. It provides some glimpses